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XRN 5231
Provision of a FWACV Service

Last Updated
13 Feb 2023
Release Type
Implementation Date
27 Aug 2022
Proposer SGN Impacted DSC service area

Customer Change Team Leader


National Gas Transmission has announced it is to withdraw from providing the Distribution Network Operators (DNs) with the daily LDZ Flow-Weighted Average CV calculation (FWACV) service.

As a consequence, the DNs will become responsible for calculating their own daily LDZ FWACVs and, publishing the information to Shippers.

The associated 0719R Workgroup has assessed several options that might support the DNs in meeting their FWACV calculation/information provision obligations. The DNs have agreed that Xoserve should take the FWACV calculation role over in its entirety from National Gas Transmission. As such, the DNs have requested Xoserve to assess and develop a single option solution.

The DNs will re-route their existing ‘FWACV’ data flows from National Gas Transmission to Xoserve.


Impacted Customer Types

  • NGT
  • Shipper
  • DNO


Document title Comment Last updated CHMC outcome
Change Proposal Approved 09/09/2020 Approved into Capture 09/09/2020
Initial Review Stage not used N/A N/A
DSG Discussions N/A 04/05/2022 N/A
High Level Solution Options N/A 08/09/2021 Approved 08/09/2021
Solution Review Approved 08/09/2021 Approved into Design by ChMC on 08/09/21
Detailed Design Approved 10/11/2021 Approved into Design by ChMC on 10/11/2021
Detailed Design v2 Approved 09/04/2024 The DDCP (v2.0) was issued for consultation in March 2022; ChMC approved it into Project Delivery on 13th April 2022
Evaluation Quotation Reports (EQR) Approved 11/08/2021 Approved 11/08/2021
Business Evaluation Reports (BER) Approved 08/12/2021 Approved 08/12/2021
Business Evaluation Report (Revised) Revised costs approved 18/07/2022 Approved at ChMC on 13/07/2022
Project Update N/A 16/01/2023 N/A
Change Completion Reports (CCR) Approved 13/02/2023 Approved at ChMC 08/02/2023


Initial Review
Start: 28/08/20
Status Change Proposal Rasied
Expected: 09/09/20
Status Approved into Capture
Solution Consultation
Solution Consultation 16/08/21
Status Solution Change Pack Issued
Awaiting Delivery
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Stage not used
In Delivery
ChMC approved solution 08/09/21
Status ChMC approved design 10/11/2021
Expected: 01/09/22
Status Successfully Implemented

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