Issues Register

Find out about systems and process issues reported to us by our customers and how we’re resolving them. View the latest Issues Register.

Page contents

    What is the Issues Register?

    The Issues Register is a record of systems and process issues our customers have reported to us.

    The Issues Register includes:

    • high priority incidents
    • system-related issues that affect our products and services such as the Contact Management Service (CMS) and Gemini

    The register sets out:

    • details about each issue and its cause
    • the impact on customers
    • which industry sectors are affected
    • the status of the issue
    • details of remedial action we’ve taken


    Download Issues Register

    The Issues Register contains a summary of issues reported to us, together with details of work we’re carrying out to resolve them.

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    Need to report an issue?

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    Since 2019, we’ve reduced service incidents by