Supply Point Administration (SPA)

Learn about SPA-related processes and download the Off Gas Postcode Register.

Page contents

    What is Supply Point Administration (SPA)?

    SPA is a collection of processes that allow industry participants to maintain the data held within UK Link.

    Shippers and Transporters use these processes to ensure that the information is accurate.

    All customers that hold supply meter points need to complete SPA tasks. These include:

    • Shippers
    • Independent Gas Transporters (IGTs)
    • Distribution Network Operators (DNOs)
    • Utility Infrastructure Providers (UIPs)
    • Central Switching Service (CSS)

    Changes following the Central Switching Service (CSS)

    CSS was implemented on 18 July 2022.

    View our training material below to find out what consequential changes there are to SPA processes.

    View training material

    Read our FAQs

    Read our dedicated SPA frequently asked questions document to find out the common queries we’ve received since the launch of the Central Switching Service (CSS).



    Common SPA tasks

    Some of the main reasons you’ll need to complete a SPA task are:

    Supply point enquiry

    Shippers can request details for a site they are considering taking into their ownership using a Supply Point Enquiry.

    The information provided is based on the current set up of the site in UK Link and will return values as denoted in the file format (.NMR). This includes capacity values, meter class and smart meter information.

    How to make an enquiry?

    To make an enquiry through our Information Exchange (IX) network, Shippers need to submit a NOM file (Nomination Enquiry).

    View our training material, to learn more about Shipper enquiries.

    View training material

    Following the introduction of the Central Switching Service (CSS) on 18 July, you can also use the Supply Point Enquiry API to request details for a site.

    More information on APIs is available on our dedicated Gas APIs webpage.

    Change of gas Shipper and/or Supplier

    When an end user switches Shipper or Supplier, the details need to be updated on our systems.

    Following the implementation of the CSS, the majority of Shipper and Supplier switches will be requested by the Supplier through CSS systems. This will then update UK Link.

    Read our guide to CSS consequential changes to find out more about this process.

    For non-CSS sites, the Nomination and Confirmation processes remain.

    Read more about the Nomination process.

    Read more about the Confirmation process.

    Change of Class

    Shippers can submit an SPC file to amend the Class of a supply point.

    Class refers to the type of SMP on the site. Class 1 and Class 2 are daily metered, while Class 3 and Class 4 are non-daily metered.

    The following guide shows all the different SMP types and what differentiates them.

    Supply Point Types Infographic guide.

    A Class can also be changed as part of the Supplier or Shipper registration process.

    Changes in site data

    Customers need to tell us about any data-related changes on sites. This includes capacity amendments, meter read frequency, Meter Asset Manager, Smart Metering Service Operator, customer contact data, address changes and SMP status changes.

    The following e-learning materials show the right process to follow for each data change. They also provide in-depth advice on all the above tasks.

    SPA e-learning Course


    Contact Management Service (CMS) SPA processes

    Our CMS allows you to contact us securely – and get responses securely. You can use it to complete a variety of SPA tasks.

    You can access CMS by logging in on the CMS landing page.

    Then choose from the following processes:

    Address amendments

    Raise an ADD Contact if you think the address of a supply meter point (SMP) on UK Link is incorrect.

    Learn more about address amendments.

    Dead to Live (DTL)

    Raise a DTL Contact if you think the status of an SPM has been incorrectly set to ‘dead’ on a live supply.

    Learn more about DTL.

    Duplicate Meter Points (DUP)

    Raise a DUP Contact if you think an SMP has more than one Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) on UK Link.

    Learn more about DUP.

    Isolation (ISO)

    Raise an ISO Contact if you think the status of an SMP should be dead, but UK Link shows live.

    Learn more about ISO.

    Theft of Gas (TOG)

    Raise a TOG Contact if you suspect theft of gas. This is open to Shippers, Networks and IGTs.

    Learn more about TOG.

    M Number creation (MNC)

    Raise an MNC Contact to request an MPRN for a live supply point when UK Link has no record.

    Learn more about MNC.

    Visit our M Number creation webpage for more information on this service.


    SPA tasks for Independent Gas Transporters (IGTs)

    We also help IGTs complete the following SPA processes.

    Connected System Exit Point (CSEP) creation

    Creating a CSEP is a fully automated process within UK Link. It’s requested by the Distribution Network Operator (DNO) and IGT and needs to be created before an IGT Meter Point.

    IGT Meter Point Creation

    Creating IGT Meter Points is also fully automated in UK Link. It’s requested by the IGT.

    Discover more about both these IGT processes in our e-learning course SPA for IGTs.


    Off Gas Postcode Register

    The Off Gas Postcode Register is a list of postcodes where Xoserve holds no record of an active gas connection by either large or small gas transporters.

    • Data update: 24 September 2024
    • Next update: March 2025

    Common queries

    A CSS site is a Supply Meter Point that will utilise the Central Switching Service (CSS) for the registration of Suppliers and Shippers.

    The majority of sites will be classified as CSS sites with the exception of NTS Sites, Shared Supplied Sites, Supplier Exempted Sites and LPG sites.

    For further information, please read our training material.

    You’ll need to contact the Data Communications Company (DCC) to initiate a switch.

    You can do this through their website.

    Timescales for CSS are documented within the Retail Energy Code (REC) and the effective dates will be validated in Data Communications Company (DCC) Systems.

    You can find file formats for the new switching flows in the REC Portal.

    You can find all Shipper or Supplier files in the UK Link Documentation Library.

    A gas Supplier will need to object or cancel a switch via the Data Communications Company (DCC). Any objections or cancellations will need to be completed in accordance with the documented timescales.

    Priority Consumers

    Find out what a Priority Consumer is and how we manage the Priority Consumer Process on behalf of the industry.

    Find out more

    More about SPA

    View our SPA e-learning courses in the learning hub.

    Visit e-learning


    We’re sharing common queries we’ve received since the launch of the CSS.


    Need more help?

    Have a question about SPA tasks? Please raise a support request.

    Raise a support request