SwitchStream developer documents

Learn about the technical specifications for SwitchStream, so you can gain a better understanding of how our adapter solution works.

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    Learn about our SwitchStream adapter

    On this page we’ve included detailed SwitchStream adapter specification documentation. These documents provide a comprehensive technical overview of the adapter, so you can learn more about how it works.

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    Our developer documents contain confidential or privileged information and are protected by copyright law. You should not copy them or disclose them to any third party without the express written permission of Xoserve Ltd.

    Copyright © 2022 Xoserve Ltd.


    General documents

    Here you can view general documents relating to the development of the SwitchStream adapter. You’ll find documents such as our Code of Connections, error handling strategy and file naming conventions.

    Code of Connections (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    This code reflects new API and file-based services, introduced as part of the CSS programme. It also reflects Xoserve acting as an adapter provider on behalf of market participants. 


    Error Handling Strategy (version 5A, last updated 15 November 2022) 

    This document defines how exceptions will be handled by our adapter service. It sets out what error codes, files and messages will be provided to market participants over the adapter’s interfaces. 


    File Naming and IX Routing Conventions (version 4A, last updated 17 May 2024) 

    This document defines the file naming standards and IX routing requirements for interactions with SwitchStream. 


    Treatment of Date/Datetime fields (version 1A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    This document describes the treatment of the date/datetime fields received and sent by SwitchStream across different options.


    High-Level Process Maps (version 1A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    An overview of the process followed by SwitchStream when processing inbound and outbound files/messages.

    SwitchStream Option 1 documents

    View documents relating to SwitchStream Option 1. This option is designed around using existing file formats, technology and business processes.

    SwitchStream Gas Flow Mapping (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    Detailed flow mapping between current gas switching flows (that will be used within SwitchStream) and CSS API messages. 


    SwitchStream Amended Gas Flows (last updated 7 July 2022) 

    Information about the amended switching file and record formats that will be used by SwitchStream to support CSS messages. 


    SwitchStream Electricity Flow Mapping (version 4A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    Detailed flow mapping between current electricity switching flows (that will be used within SwitchStream) and CSS API messages. 


    SwitchStream Inbound Electricity Flows (last updated 7 Jul 2022) 

    The amended electricity switching file and record formats that will be used by SwitchStream to support inbound CSS messages. 


    SwitchStream Outbound Electricity Flows (last updated 7 Jul 2022) 

    The amended electricity switching file and record formats that will be used by SwitchStream to support outbound CSS messages.


    SwitchStream Business & Validation Rules (version 2A, last updated 15 November 2022) 

    The business and validation rules that will be used within SwitchStream when processing files. 


    SwitchStream Option 1 CSS Message Mapping (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    A summary of the as-is switching flows to the to-be CSS API messages. 


    SwitchStream Sequence Diagrams (Gas & Electricity) (version 3A, last updated 15 November 2022) 

    This document sets out the process sequence diagrams for Option 1 processing scenarios.


    SwitchStream Option 1 Gas Recommendations (version 1A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    Adapter service recommendations for Option 1 gas customers on specific scenarios that are dependent on UK Link processing.

    SwitchStream Option 2 documents

    View documents and files relating to SwitchStream Option 2. This option is ideal for those wanting to adopt new file message formats and business processes while using existing technology.

    SwitchStream Option 2 - Sequence Diagrams (Gas & Elec) (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    This document sets out sequence diagrams for SwitchStream Option 2. 


    SwitchStream Option 2 - Data Flow Mapping (Gas & Elec) (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    Data flow mappings for SwitchStream Option 2. 


    SwitchStream Option 2 - JSON File Specifications (version 3A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    JSON file specifications relating to SwitchStream Option 2.

    XDD Registration Deactivation File Format (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    The new SwitchStream file format definition for a registration deactivation request. 


    XID Switch Intervention File Format (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    The new SwitchStream file format definition for a switch intervention request. 


    XRD initial Registration File Format (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    The new SwitchStream file format definition for an initial registration request. 


    XXD Switch Request File Format (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    The new SwitchStream file format definition for a switch request. 


    XUD update Current Active Reg File Format (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    The new SwitchStream file format definition for a request to update the current active registration. 


    XED Error Request (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    The new SwitchStream file format definition to support error submission.

    XAG Registration Change Anticipated (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    The new SwitchStream file format definition for an anticipated change notification. 


    XCD Registration Status Change (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    The new SwitchStream file format definition for a registration status change notification. 


    XPD Registration Pending Notification (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    The new SwitchStream file format definition for a pending registration notification. 


    XEG Registration Event Notification (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    The new SwitchStream file format definition for a registration event notification. 


    XTD Invitation To Intervene (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    The new SwitchStream file format definition for an invitation to intervene. 


    XVD Registration Validation Notification (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    The new SwitchStream file format definition for a registration validation notification. 


    XOD CSS Error Notification (version 2A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    The new SwitchStream file format definition for the notification of a CSS generated error response. 


    XFL File Format Rejection Reason (version 1A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    The new SwitchStream file format definition for file rejection reasons. 


    XRL Record Format Rejection Reasons (version 1A, last updated 7 July 2022) 

    The new SwitchStream file format definition for record rejection reasons.

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