Data Discovery Platform (DDP)
An intuitive data visualisation tool for gas businesses to instantly access reporting information.
What is DDP?
The Data Discovery Platform (DDP) is a data visualisation tool for accessing reporting information, spotting anomalies, complying with regulatory obligations and taking informed decisions.
An introduction to DDP
Who can use DDP?
DDP is available to all DSC customers.
The core DDP product is available to both Shippers and Gas Transporters (including IGTs).
The DDP product also offers a set of dashboards to the Performance Assurance Committee.
You can apply for a login by raising a technical support request below. Please mention in the ‘Description of issue’ field that you are applying for a DDP login.
What are the benefits?
DDP provides the ability to query and understand your organisation's data and brings the following benefits:
- creating bespoke reports
- data visualisations provide clear insights for evaluating and reacting to industry changes and trends
- trend analysis enables identification of new opportunities to improve performance
- to support decision making you can switch between high-level key performance indicators and low-level granular data
- an increase in data availability and flexibility reduces the need to raise specific reporting change requests – saving time and money
DDP dashboards and reports
When you log into DDP your account will be pre-configured to access your organisation’s personalised dashboard.
Using the simple navigation, you’ll be able to access additional dashboards, reports and collections.
You can find out more in our Data Discovery Platform education pack.
What DDP Dashboards are available and what do they do?
- This Product will provide you with Daily Meter Point Reference Numbers (MPRN) portfolio data for Shippers
- You will have access to pre-built dashboards providing the following data: Meter status, Meter Point Status, No Reads (Class 4), Blank Meter Asset Managers (MAMs), Dead Report, Portfolio Annual Quantity (AQ)/ Supply Offtake Quantity (SOQ) and Portfolio Count
- You can track portfolio performance via trend analysis of Gas Transporters/Independent Gas Transporters, Network, Class, Site Type and Market Segment
- You will be able to monitor your portfolio by drilling down to MPRN information to diagnose, assess and amend data accordingly
- This Product will provide you with Daily Meter Point Reference Numbers (MPRN) Read data for Shippers
- You will have access to pre-built dashboards providing the following data: Transfer Read performance, Transfer Read rejection trend, Transfer Read by LDZ, The number of Read Rejections, Read rejection reasons, Read rejection trend, Read rejections by read type, percentage view of your portfolio which have had no reads, No reads by all classes, Age since last actual read, Check Reads, Check Reads Trend, Check Reads accepted vs not received, Check Reads by EUC, Check Reads by LDZ, Replaced Reads, Replaced Reads Trend, Replaced Reads by EUC, Replaced Reads by LDZ, Read Performance, Reads Accepted, Reads Not Received, Reads Accepted vs Not Received Trend, Read Performance by EUC, Read Performance by LDZ
- You can track read performance via trend analysis of Gas Transporters/Independent Gas Transporters, Network, EUC band, Class, Site Type and Market Segment, LDZ and meter mechanism code
- You will be able to monitor your read performance for the topic mentioned above by drilling down to MPRN information to diagnose, assess and amend data accordingly
- This Product will provide you with Daily Meter Point Reference Numbers (MPRN) Asset data for Shippers
- You will have access to pre-built dashboards providing the following data:
– No meter recorded by; Class, EUC, AQ, Activity, Time without a meter and more
– Shippers will also have access to pre-built dashboards providing the following data: Incorrect correction factor by; Market Sector, Class, AQ, EUC and more - You can track performance of sites where there is no meter recorded, and sites which have an incorrect correction factor via trend analysis of Gas Transporters/Independent Gas Transporters, Network, EUC band, Class, Site Type and Market Segment, LDZ, meter mechanism code, MAM and more
- You will be able to monitor your asset performance for the topics mentioned above by drilling down to MPRN information to diagnose, assess and amend data accordingly
- This Product will provide you with information relating to sites in your portfolio being moved from Class 2 and 3 to Class 4, as result of the regulatory obligations implemented under the UNC modification, 0664.
- You will have access to four dashboard areas. The Monthly Performance dashboard will give you a month on month view of how individual meter points in your portfolio are performing against the minimum performance requirement. The other three dashboard areas will give you more detail on the three-month measures which determine whether meter points are reclassified. There's also a dashboard that focuses on retrospective analysis of meter points that have been reclassified.
- Together, the dashboards aim to provide insight and analysis of meter points that are measured against the minimum performance measure for Class 2 and 3: proactive, current and retrospective.
- This Product will provide you with Daily Meter Point Reference Numbers (MPRNs) and Portfolio data for Shippers
- You will have access to pre-built dashboards providing the following data: Meter point count split by Local Distribution Zones (LDZs), Shipper, Class and Supplier. It will also provide a summary of Annual Quantity (AQ) and Supply Offtake Quantity (SOQ) for all Networks, Meter Point status, and Connected System Exit Point (CSEP) count and IDs
- There is further functionality to drill down by address and postcode, and the ability to view by LDZs on maps
- This dashboard focuses on sites within a portfolio which are part of the HyDeploy POC. It will specifically focus on portfolio data such as AQ, Supplier, Shipper and other Supply Point details. The main focus of the dashboard is changes within the portfolio i.e. when a switch takes place, Networks will receive a notification when changes occur
- Through our DDP and our new dashboards, Networks can drill down on data at a Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) level, to obtain more insights. Networks will also be able to export and download data if required
- This Product will provide you with charging information for various charge types.
- You will have access to two dashboard areas. One will give you a high level view of total charges relevant to Shippers against your portfolio, with supporting information relating to Total Rolling AQ, Total Rolling SOQ, Total Formula Year AQ, Total Formula Year SOQ and End User Category.
- The other dashboard area is a charging simulation report to show month on month trends of charge amounts, AQ (including by load band), SOQ and charges by charge type.
- This Product will allow you to access WAR Band information
- You will have access to pre-built dashboards and granular information to highlight sites without a read in the selected winter period, including groupings to prioritise read collection
- Dashboard will highlight where a read has not been submitted in either of the relevant read windows; allowing you to submit a read in the following month
- This Product will provide you with the ability to discover and investigate Reads Data
- You will have access to pre-built dashboards providing the following data and insights:
– Transfer Reads performance for Shippers which includes: Comparative view of shipper performance and count of Transfers per shipper, Overall Shipper performance, Filter capability to view data by: Shipper; Class and Time
– Estimated reads performance for Shippers including: Comparative view of shipper Estimated Reads performance and number of Estimated Reads per shipper, Overall Shipper performance, Filter capability to view data by Shipper; Class and Time
– No reads performance dashboards for shipper split by age bands with capability to filter by Class, EUC and Shipper
– Check Read performance for Shippers including: Comparative view of Shipper check reads expected vs received, Overall performance by Shipper, Filter capability to view data by Shipper, Class and Time period– Replaced Read performance for Shippers including: Comparative view of Shipper replaced reads expected vs received, Overall performance by Shipper, Filter capability to view data by Shipper, Class, and Time period– Overall Read performance for Shippers including: Comparative view of Shipper reads expected vs received, Overall performance by Shipper, Filter capability to view data by Shipper, Class, Time period, and Meter Read Frequency - You will have the ability and the functionality to drill-down to data
- This Product will provide you with the ability to discover and investigate Asset Data
- You will have access to pre-built dashboards providing the following data and insights:
– No Meter Recorded performance for Shippers which includes: Comparative view of shipper performance and count of sites without a meter per shipper, Overall Shipper performance for this topic, Filter capability to view data by: Shipper; Class and Time and more
– Incorrect Correction Factor performance for Shippers including: Comparative view of shipper correction factors which are deemed incorrect in line with the UNC obligation, Overall Shipper performance, Filter capability to view data by Shipper; Class and Time and more - You will have the ability and the functionality to drill-down to data subject to Contract Management approval
- This Product will provide you with information relating to sites across all Shipper portfolios being moved from Class 2 and 3 to Class 4, as result of the regulatory obligations implemented under the UNC modification, 0664.
- You will have access to two dashboard areas. One dashboard will show you numerical information about sites being reclassified to Class 4 per Shipper Short Code, with an analysis page to visualise trends, rolling AQ and the count of sites being reclassified.
- The other dashboard area will show you the %s of sites where the minimum performance requirement has, and has not, been achieved; again, an analysis page will be included to visualise trends for count of sites, Rolling AQ and the % of Shippers meeting the minimum threshold.