3 December 2020
UK Link Upgrades and Outage Impact to Weather Files
As previously communicated there will be an extended outage of the UK Link estate on Sunday 17th January whilst system upgrades are carried out to ensure they remain in a stable and supported position. Owing to this outage we will not be able to calculate Forecast weather values (CWVs) at 3pm which would normally be done, leading to minor impacts for NDM Nominations.
The calculation of Forecast CWVs at 3pm on Sunday 17th January will not proceed which will mean that there will be no values published on the National Grid website and the NDM Nominations run at 4pm will use CWV values from the previous 12pm run.
The calculation of Forecast CWVs at 11pm will then be processed as normal.
The outage to UK Link in question as previously notified is as follows:
- Sunday 17th January between 12pm – 8pm
A contingency outage is included as follows:
- Sunday 24th January between 12pm – 8pm
If you have any issues contact the Xoserve Service Desk on 0845 600 0506 or servicedesk@xoserve.com
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