26 October 2021
The purpose of the Impact Assessment (IA)
The purpose of the IA was to measure the likelihood and impact of potential risks that changes in scope of the release might pose to the Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR) process.
This comes at a critical point where UK Link continues to process an unprecedented number of switches.
We’ve recommended delaying the release until 22-23 January 2022
On 25 October we presented the output of the IA to Data Services Contract (DSC) Change Managers, where we recommended for either all, or most of the scope of November 21 release to be delayed and implemented 22-23 January 2022.
All elected Change Management Committee (ChMC) representatives from each DSC constituency were at the presentation – they have requested time to review our recommendation and a further Extraordinary ChMC (eChMC) meeting is planned for 1 November 2021.
A final decision will be reached on 1 November 2021
During the next eChMC meeting on 1 November, elected committee representatives will reach a final decision on whether to:
- continue with the full scope delivery as per the current November 21 plan
- deliver XRN 5142, but delay the rest of the release until 22-23 January 2022
- deliver the whole release scope 22-23 January 2022
We’ll continue to keep you and the industry updated
Xoserve has been keeping the relevant regulatory and code bodies updated on progress and will continue to do so until implementation of the release.
Immediately following the eChMC meeting on 1 November, we’ll update you on next steps.
For more information, please email James Rigby at james.rigby@xoserve.com, or call 0121 229 2278.
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