16 October 2023

On Wednesday 18 October we are introducing slight differences to the emails you receive after raising a Support Request through the website’s help and support section.

You’ll receive emails from helpdesk@xoserve.com

The email address we use for Support Requests will change from xoserveprod@service-now.com to helpdesk@xoserve.com.

If your Support Request is open, all further emails we use to contact you will be from helpdesk@xoserve.com.


The display name is changing to Xoserve Helpdesk

The name which will appear in your Inbox will also change for Technical Support Requests. It will change from IT ServiceDesk to Xoserve Helpdesk.

For Query Support Requests the name will stay as Xoserve Customer Queries.


Get in touch

If you have any questions about this update, please email us at customerexperience@xoserve.com.

Email us


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