28 June 2024

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Statement of Planning Principles (SPP) document which officially starts the Business Plan 2025-28 process.

The SPP is available to view and download below and on the dedicated BP25 portal, which includes all business plan related documentation and media. 

The SPP (formerly called Principles and Approach) sets out:

  • Xoserve’s strategic principles: Trust – Innovate – Deliver
  • five journeys that support our evolution and how they will be applied to BP25
  • key strategic initiatives including Project Trident and Code Management

As the first formal step in information sharing, this document is intended to create dialogue, encourage feedback and initiate action. In each section of the document, we pose questions that we believe will drive useful engagement, but we welcome all comments and feedback. 

The consultation window is open until 12 July and we’d love to hear your thoughts.

You can email us at business.planning@xoserve.com or use the online form located in the consultation section on the BP25 portal.

We will be presenting the document via an online roundtable session on 9 July. Invites have been sent out separately - we look forward to seeing you then, but if you have any questions please email us at business.planning@xoserve.com.

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Download our draft Statement of Planning Principles below.

Our Business Plan

To learn more about our annual business planning process, please visit our dedicated business plan webpage.

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