1 May 2020
We have been providing our customers with regular updates on the industry-wide asset data cleansing exercise known as ‘Retrospective Data Updates’.
Focussing on Meter Asset data, the exercise sees us piloting a Proof of Concept (PoC) to help us work with customers to understand the level of discrepancies that exist and help us target our services and solutions to support Customers in improving data quality.
What’s happened recently?
- Step 1 ‘Compare and Contrast’ results have been published to all participating Shippers and market level view presented to Change Management Committee.
- We are having ongoing communications with PoC participating members on progress of Step 2 ‘Deep Dive’.
- The generation of results for Step 2 ‘Deep Dive’ analysis phase has taken place, and initial sanity checks and data assurance have been completed.
What’s happening next?
- Analysis of Step 2 results commenced in March but has been impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation leading to all staff being re-located to work from home. To complete execution of Step 2, the project team members are reliant on being able to access the SAS analytic tool remotely, and until the 20th April this was not possible. SAS access is now available remotely, and the team are progressing with Step 2 ‘Deep Dive’ activities.
- With the ongoing COVID-19 situation a risk has been raised on the project regarding the timing of POC outputs, and the potential for them not to be fully absorbed or noted at the point of communication as the Industry is focused on maintaining critical processes. This has been discussed at Change Management Committee (ChMc), and with participating Shippers, and an agreement has been reached to carry on as planned ensuring the communications are pitched at the right level.
For more information on the Retrospective Data Updates exercise, please see our dedicated webpage, or email us directly on uklink@xoserve.com.
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