30 June 2023

We’re pleased to share the context and thinking behind Xoserve’s Business Plan for 2024-25 (BP24), with the publication of our draft Principles and Approach document.

As the first formal step in the process of developing BP24, this document is intended to create dialogue, encourage feedback and initiate action.

Along with providing you with an overview of the BP24 timeline, and the opportunities to provide feedback, it also sets out the four overarching principles that will guide us through each stage of our business planning process:

  1. Our plan will be built on engagement
  2. Our plan will be accessible
  3. Our plan will articulate value for money
  4. Our plan will consider uncertainty


Our CEO, Stephanie Ward, said:

“While April 2024 may seem like a long way off, we want to maximise your opportunity to share your thoughts.

Our consultation on this draft Principles and Approach therefore opens today, and you can share your feedback through our online form or by email to customerexperience@xoserve.com until 21 July.

Alternatively, please participate in our Virtual Round Table event on 5 July, where my leadership team, members of the Board and I will be on hand to hear your ideas and suggestions first-hand.”


Download the draft Principles and Approach document below.

Our Business Plan

To learn more about our annual business planning process, please visit our dedicated business plan webpage.

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