11 May 2020
The Joint Office of Gas Transporters has now published Ofgem's decision on three of the Urgent UNC Modifications that were raised to help address the impacts of COVID-19 on Gas Allocation, Unidentified Gas (UIG) and Annual Quantity (AQ).
Ofgem have approved three Urgent Modifications, and the decision letters can be found on the individual Joint Office webpages:
- 0722 (Urgent) - Allow Users to submit Estimated Meter Reading during COVID-19
- 0723 (Urgent) - Use of the Isolation Flag to identify sites with abnormal load reduction during COVID-19 period
- 0724 (Urgent) - Amendment to Ratchet charges during COVID-19 period
The three Modifications will become effective on Tuesday 12th May, at 5am.
In the decision letter Ofgem stated that they are still considering Urgent Modification 0721 - Shipper submitted AQ Corrections during COVID-19. This means that the proposed change to the AQ Corrections process is not yet available to Shippers.
To support the Modifications, we have created a set of training materials and How-To Guides that provide details on how the proposed functionality will be utilised.
If you need any more support after you have reviewed our training materials or have any questions, please contact your Customer Advocate.
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