17 March 2025
The Gemini Sustain Plus Programme will be implementing the upgraded system on Sunday 23 March 2025.
This will take place during an extended outage window from 3am until 1pm. During this window, the Gemini System will be unavailable and users will not be able to log in.
If unexpected technical issues occur during the implementation activities and it is not possible to complete the deployment by 1pm, a decision may be taken to roll back the changes and reinstate the current Gemini system.
Should this situation arise, System Users will be notified via an ANS message to confirm that it has been necessary to revert to the Legacy Gemini system and that the outage window may need to be extended until 3pm.
Please ensure that your Gemini users within your organisation have undertaken their readiness activities which as follows:
- Gemini online screens users complete their MFA set up
- Complete mandatory training
- Switch to the New API gateway (for those that use APIs)
Please note that there will be no disruption to Gemini system operations and services outside of the planned outage window mentioned above.
There will also be no parallel running of the Legacy Gemini system once the upgraded Gemini system is live.
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