10 July 2024

The Gemini Sustain Plus new API gateway will be available to use from 2 August

This will run in parallel with the existing IX API and Web API gateways for a limited period, to give you the opportunity to transition your APIs to the new gateway at your own pace.

You will need to ensure all your APIs have been updated to use the new Sustain Plus API gateway (https://geminiplus.co.uk) by:

Please note:

  • The IX API and legacy Web API gateways will no longer be available after the above dates.
  • Transition is mandatory if you wish to continue using the Gemini API functionality.

During the initial period of availability, the two new APIs being introduced by Gemini Sustain Plus (Accept Trades/Accept Transfers) will not be available to use – these will become available from the main implementation date on the 8 September.

The technical lead at your organisation will have received your URL list. 

Other useful API documents, files and common queries will be posted on our dedicated Gemini Sustain Plus webpage.

Gemini Sustain Plus

If you need help or assistance, please book onto one of the technical surgeries where the team will be able to discuss your issue.

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Need help?

We're hosting technical surgeries to support you during the Gemini Sustain Plus project. 

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