27 May 2020
As part of the Data Centre (DC) Exit programme, the Contact Management Service (CMS) was successfully migrated from our legacy DC, to the TCS Enterprise Cloud Platform (ECP) Data Centre on Sunday 10th May. The DC Exit programme will conduct a Disaster Recovery (DR) testing exercise, to ensure resilience of the application.
What is the purpose of the disaster recovery exercise?
This is an annual test to prove the DR capabilities and procedures for CMS and will be managed end-to-end by the project team.
When will the disaster recovery exercise take place?
The activity will be carried out during the standard CMS maintenance window, and will not impact the availability of the service.
Disaster recovery activities will follow the below timings:
- Failover starts on Saturday 30th May, at 00:00am and will finish at 7:00am
- Failback starts on Sunday 31st May, at 00:00am and will finish at 7:00am
What contingency dates have been agreed?
Please be aware that the confirmed CMS DR contingency dates have been agreed, and are scheduled to be carried out during the standard CMS maintenance window on:
- Failover starts on Saturday 6th June, at 00:00am and will finish at 7:00am
- Failback starts on Sunday 7th June, at 00:00am and will finish at 7:00am
Where can I find out more information?
If you would like to find out more about the DC Exit Programme please visit our webpage on xoserve.com.
Do you have any questions?
If you have any issues contact the Xoserve Service Desk on 0845 600 0506, or alternatively via email at servicedesk@xoserve.com.
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