30 June 2022

Today we’re launching our Business Plan 2023-24 (BP23), with the publication of the draft version of our Principles and Approach document. Have your say in how we support the gas industry as your Central Data Service Provider (CDSP).

The publication of our Principles and Approach in draft form is the first step in our annual activities to engage with customers on the preparation of our budget for April 2023 to March 2024 and our financial forecasts for the following two years.

The purpose of this initial stage is to share how we are approaching the business planning process. This includes changes we intend to make compared to last year and the market conditions that are affecting this approach.


Have your say

The consultation period is now open and runs until 12 July 2022.

There are certain areas we’d particularly like you to consider and have included some specific questions on page 18 of the document. We also welcome any other feedback you may have.

To make it easier for you, we’ve created a feedback page where we can capture your comments quickly and easily.

Complete our online form


Alternatively, please send your feedback by email to customerexperience@xoserve.com.

To find out more about the development of our Business Plan 2023, please speak to your Customer Advocate.

To learn about our annual business planning process, please visit our business plan page.

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