File types and formats

Find out about the file formats we use in your invoice.

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    What file formats do we use in invoicing?

    We issue invoices to Shippers as electronic files over our Information Exchange (IX) network. These files are formatted as comma separated values (CSV), using industry agreed formats.

    We also provide files that contain lower-level detail to support the invoices. These are known as supporting information files.

    Our Xoserve Comprehensive Invoices and Charge Types document sets out which supporting information files we use for each invoice type. Visit our Invoice type, charges & VAT page for more information.


    Where to find invoice and supporting information file formats

    You can find invoice and supporting information file formats in the UK Link Documentation Library secure area.

    File Formats

    Gemini File Formats

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    Our new online functionality makes it easier to quickly find and browse file formats data.

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    File format principles – Gemini invoices

    Unlike transportation invoices, Gemini invoices don’t follow a generic file format.

    Each Gemini invoice has its own industry-agreed file format and hierarchy. Supporting information is embedded into the invoice file – there’s no separate supporting information file.

    For example, the energy balancing invoice (.IDB) includes supporting information within the same CSV invoice file.


    Generic invoice file (.INV) hierarchy

    The hierarchy for generic invoice files is formatted into three levels, shown in the diagram below. Each invoice comprises seven mandatory records and one optional record.

    generic invoice file inv hierarchy diagram

    How to read generic invoice files 

    You can find information on how to read invoice files in our INV Generic Invoice file format document. This document is in the UK Link Documentation Library secure area.

    View File Formats 

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    Need more help?

    For more help with file formats, please raise a support request.