Who can submit a Change Proposal?
If you’re a Data Services Contract customer, you can submit a Change Proposal.
How the process works
You can use the form below to submit a Change Proposal.
We’ll then give your proposal a unique Xoserve reference number and publish it on our Customer change register.
We’ll add your Change Proposal to the agenda for the next Change Management Committee (ChMC) meeting for an initial review.
The deadline for document submission is eight calendar days before the meeting. If we receive your proposal later than this, we’ll add it to the agenda for the following meeting.
You can find the ChMC meeting schedule on the Joint Office of Gas Transporters website. Change Proposal form Simply complete the form below and then click the “submit” button.
You can use the following form to submit a DSC Change Proposal. After you’ve submitted your Change Proposal, we will assign a unique Xoserve Reference Number and publish it on the Change Proposal Library.
The Xoserve Customer Change Team will then add your Change Proposal to the agenda of the next Change Management Committee (ChMC) meeting for an initial review; the deadline for document submission is eight calendar days before the meeting.
The ChMC meeting schedule can be found here on the Joint Office of Gas Transporters website.
If you require any assistance, please contact uklink@xoserve.com.
Submit a Change Proposal form