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XRN 5872
Updates to the Annual Quantity (AQ) amendment process (Modification 0876S)

Last Updated
20 Jan 2025
Release Type
Implementation Date
Proposer SEFE Energy Impacted DSC service area

Service Area 2 (Current Apr 21)

Monthly AQ Processes

Customer Change Team Leader


UNC Modification 0876 has been raised to make changes to the AQ amendments process to address this issue outlined above.

This Change Proposal has been raised to deliver the central system changes required as set out within this Modification.

Reason Code 2:

Modificition 0876S aims to add additional validation criteria to reason code 2. It also intends to add further clarification on the existing validation criteria to prevent misuse. To allow this UNC TPD G 2.3.31 will be amended.

For a Supply Meter Point (SMP) to utilise ‘reason code’ 2 to adjust an AQ the SMP must meet the following validation/criteria:

  • The SMP must have an ‘I’ (Industrial and Commercial) value for the Market Sector Code (MSC) as held in UK Link and maintained by Suppliers under the Retail Energy Code.
  • The Shipper also warrants through the submission of the use of eligible cause that there has been a change in Consumer Plant at the SMP which has impacted usage.
  • All eligible causes:

    Modification 0876S also gives PAC the authority to reverse identified misuse for all “eligible causes”.

    By extending TPD G 2.3.31 this will enable an AQ reversal process to be applied to all ‘reason codes.’ This will allow the AQ pre-amendment to be ‘reinstated’ where it has been identified that the criteria has not been satisfied.

    In order for TPD G2.3.31 to be applied the misuse of an AQ amendment will need to be identified and investigated. The PAC will investigate and identify instances of misuse and aligns with their functions as stated within UNC TPD V 16.4.

    For the avoidance of doubt the PAC are able to utilise whichever Performance Assurance Techniques (PATs) as specified in UNC TPD V 16.4 and the Performance Assurance Framework Document (PAFD) they deem necessary/suitable to investigate and identify misuse. 

    Once an AQ amendment has been identified as potential misuse, then PAC will conduct an investigation. Once the investigation is concluded and PAC determine misuse, they will inform the CDSP and as soon as reasonably practical following this confirmation, the CDSP will reverse the identified misused AQ amendment.

    During the period whereby the AQ has been updated under a misused AQ amendment, any debit Capacity Transportation Charges that would have been due will be applied and will be shown in the Shippers Capacity adjustment invoice.

    Along with an adjustment in the Transportation Charges, the User found to have misused the process will be subject to any avoided administrative costs for reinstating the AQ and undertaking the charge adjustment, if such administrative costs are identified.

Impacted Customer Types

  • Shipper
  • DNO
  • IGT


Document title Comment Last updated CHMC outcome
Change Proposal CP Raised 20/01/2025 Approved
Initial Review Stage not required   N/A
DSG Discussion  N/A 27/01/25 N/A
High Level Solution Options Stage not yet reached   N/A
Solution Review Stage not yet reached   N/A
Detailed Design Stage not yet reached   N/A
Evaluation Quotation Reports (EQR) Stage not yet reached   N/A
Business Evaluation Reports (BER) Stage not yet reached   N/A
Change Completion Reports (CCR) Stage not yet reached   N/A


Change Proposal raised
For approval at Januarys ChMC 19/12/24
Change development
Status ChMC approved into development
Solution development
Detailed design
Awaiting delivery
In delivery
Change implemented

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