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XRN 5341
UNC745 - Mandatory Setting of Auction Bid Parameters

Last Updated
16 May 2022
Release Type
Implementation Date
19 Sep 2021
Proposer National Grid Impacted DSC service area

Service Area 14 (Current Apr 21)

Gemini Services

Customer Change Team Leader


Preventing Shippers from placing bids on all short-term auctions until they have set up User/Shipper Preferences.

When an attempt is made to place a bid where no User/Shipper preferences have been set up a message would appear stating that the shipper needs to set up User/Shipper preferences for that MoS before being able to participate in placing bids for the auction.

The Shipper would be prevented from placing bids until the User/Shipper preferences functionality is in place. 

Gemini should be able to determine whether a shipper has preferences set up for one MoS over another i.e. if preferences are set up on the WDDNEX but not the DADNEX, the warning only appears for the DADNEX.

This change would apply to all shippers, existing and new. 

Shippers must set up User/Shipper preferences for the VALIDATION PARAMETERS - BID PRICE and BID CAPACITY for all relevant locations and MoS’s that they participate in before being able to proceed with bid

submission at BID CAPTURE/CAPTURE stage (Gemini - Capture > Create Bids and Gemini Exit - Capture > Capture Requests). These preferences should be captured for Gemini and Gemini Exit (where relevant to the individual Shipper/BA).

Note that in this and other documents NG has referred to ‘BID PRICE’ and ‘BID CAPACITY’, in the User/Shipper preferences screens of Gemini and Gemini the Validation Parameters are referred to as ‘PRICE’ and ‘CAPACITY’, there is also a parameter of ‘VALUE’ that for the purposes of this CP is not applicable/relevant to the requirement but should still remain an option for the Shipper User to apply as required.

Relevant file paths in Gemini and Gemini Exit:

Gemini Shipper Preferences - Home > Deal > Capture > SetUp Shipper Preferences > Query

Gemini Exit User Preferences - Home > Deal > Capture > Setup User Preferences

Where User/Shipper preferences have been set up and a shipper exceeds the validation parameters for either BID PRICE and/or BID CAPACITY, the shipper should still have the option to override the warning and continue to place a higher bid than the validation limits (as per current User/Shipper preferences).

The change should also apply to new functionality relating to API’s for placing bids that is being implemented through the Gemini Enhancements project. Where a shipper is using an API to place bids, validation parameters should not be circumvented.

An audit trail/report record to confirm which Shippers have set up User/Shipper preferences would be required if no current functionality exists, and should include a date and time stamp for when the validation was set up and if and when it has been overridden.

No impacts to external interfaces however a change pack(s) will be shared to explain the data/process changes being made.

This would align to the modification proposal - MOD0745 – and would follow timescales in relation to this process.

Impacted Customer Types

  • Shipper
  • DNO


Document title Comment Last updated CHMC outcome
Change Proposal N/A 29/04/2021 Approved at ChMC 12/05/2022
Initial Review N/A N/A N/A
High Level Solution Options N/A N/A N/A
Solution Review N/A N/A N/A
Detailed Design N/A N/A N/A
Evaluation Quotation Reports (EQR) N/A N/A N/A
Business Evaluation Reports (BER) N/A 07/07/2021 Approved at ChMC 07/07/2022
Change Completion Reports (CCR) N/A 16/05/2022 Approved at ChMC 11/05/2022


Initial Review
Start: 29/04/21
Status Change Proposal Raised
Approved to Capture 12/05/21
Status ChMC approved into Capture
Solution Consultation
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Stage not used
Awaiting Delivery
Expected: 00/00/00
Status Stage not used
In Delivery
Adhoc Release 19/09/2021- Detail Design Change Pack issued 17/05/21
Status ChMC approved design 10/06/2021
Expected: 19/09/21
Status Successfully Implemented

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