XRN 5072
Application and derivation of TTZ indicator and calculation of volume and energy – all classes
Last Updated
24 Jan 2022 |
Release Type
Major |
Implementation Date
Proposer | Xoserve | Impacted DSC service area |
Service Area 3 (Previous Dec 18 – Mar 21) Record/submit Data in Compliance with UNC |
Customer Change Team Leader | uklink@xoserve.com |
This proposal is required to amend the logic to how the system derives the Round the Clock (RTC) or Though The Zero (TTZ) count.
- Where there is a Class 4 site with AMR/DRE installed, check to check reconciliation is carried out when Site Visit Reads are received.
When an RGMA update is received (ONJOB or ONUPD) these reads are treated as Site Visit Reads.
When an ONUPD (asset update) is submitted the shipper does not have to supply any meter reads or Round the Clock (RTC) count or TTZ count (Through The Zeros) so Xoserve will generate estimated reads and derive a RTC if required. If the shipper is submitting an RGMA flow (ONJOB) and where the RTC is not supplied, the system will derive a RTC count.
When the system looks to derive the RTC count it will be based on the Read history (last Actual read, last Check Read, AMR/DRE Installation read, Meter Install read, etc) For Project Nexus the RGMA design was taken from legacy CA Rules. The RGMA logic was considered as an ‘As Is’ process and the requirements were not changed. Under source rule 100278 it states “If the RTC is not provided, the RTC would be derived with an increment.
We have seen instances where an RTC count of 1 is incorrect, as previous read history shows that the meter has gone round the clock several times. This has generated a reduced volume and energy, so has caused the AQ value to be understated and incorrect Reconciliation. This understated AQ affects all downstream processes that use the AQ value, (EUC assignment, daily allocation and the calculation of unidentified Gas).
Impacted Customer Types
- Shipper
- Supplier
Document title | Last updated | Type |
XRN5072 Change Proposal | 05/Aug/2021 | |
XRN5072 HLSO | 11/Dec/2020 |
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You can email us at: uklink@xoserve.com and we'll get back on the same day between the hours of 9:00am to 4:30pm.