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XRN 4887
Service Description Table updates March 2019

Last Updated
09 Apr 2020
Release Type
Implementation Date
28 Feb 2019
Proposer Xoserve Impacted DSC service area


Not applicable

Customer Change Team Leader


The Service Description Table has been reviewed against the relevant UNC sections and some code reference updates and Service Line updates are required. Customers have requested changes to, or additional Service Lines as part of ongoing development work. The changes proposed are classified as “cosmetic / housekeeping”.

Note: No new service is being created, or an existing service amended or deleted by this Change Proposal, there is nothing to physically implement. The Change Management Committee is requested to vary the Service Change Procedures, such that an Evaluation Quotation Report and Business Evaluation Report are not required for this Change Proposal. These documents would add no value to the Change Proposal and would be an inefficient overhead for the CDSP and Change Management Committee. This request will be made as per Service Change Procedures para 4.1.3

Verbal approval was received at CoMC March 2019 and published on the Joint Office in April 2019.

Impacted Customer Types

  • IGT
  • NGT
  • Shipper
  • DNO


Document title Last updated Type
XRN4887 CP 06/Mar/2019 PDF


Initial Review
Solution Consultation
Awaiting Delivery
In Delivery

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