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XRN 4806
Additional data at National Level to support UIG Allocation validation

Last Updated
14 Jan 2019
Release Type
Implementation Date
29 Mar 2019
Proposer Scottish Power Impacted DSC service area

Service Area 6 (Previous Dec 18 – Mar 21)

Annual quantity, DM supply point capacity and offtake rate reviews

Customer Change Team Leader


Xoserve to provide the additional information at national level to support customers with the validation of UIG Allocation on a monthly basis for the previous calendar month:

  1. National Daily Metered volumes, split Class1 and Class2 (and Class2 split by EUC Band), by Day and by LDZ.

o   Currently only Total DM by LDZ available from National Grid Data Item explorer.

  1. National Product Class 3 & 4 Rolling AQ split by Product Class, EUC Band, Day and LDZ

o   Currently only one day per month is available through UK Link Secure site

  1. Total Market data for the Scottish LDZs LC/LS/LO/LW/LT, for each LDZ for each day
  • Total Demand kWh
  • Total Daily Metered KWh, split PC1/2, PC2 split by EUC band
  • Total NDM Demand kWh
  • Total NDM Rolling AQ by Product Class 3&4 and EUC Band by Day

All Data to be closed out D+5 data

The information will be published in a secure area.

Impacted Customer Types

  • Shipper


Document title Last updated Type
XRN4806 15/Jan/2019 PDF


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