Our role and customers

Learn about our role at the heart of the gas industry and the customers we serve.

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    Our role

    Xoserve is central to Great Britain’s wholesale gas market.  

    As the gas industry’s Central Data Service Provider (CDSP), we provide a suite of vital services for gas Suppliers, Shippers and Transporters.  

    We make sure Britain’s retail gas market runs efficiently and reliably. We provide a single, consistent point of service for our customers and make sure their data is transported securely. 

    We’re funded, governed and owned by the gas industry.  

    Our central register holds details of all gas supply points 

    We provide information to gas transportation companies from our central register, which holds details about all premises that have a gas supply.  

    We also provide data about gas flows across the entire network. This information helps us recognise which companies are responsible for gas entering and leaving the network, so it can remain 'in balance' between supply and demand. 

    We maintain the central register and its related information flows through sophisticated computer networks and a suite of innovative data products. 


    About Xoserve

    Find out more about our role at the heart of Great Britain's gas market. 


    Our customers

    We enable gas industry operations for a wide range of customers..  


    Shippers buy gas from producers. They may also store gas with a storage operator to help it manage the balance between its supplies and consumer demand. 

    National Gas Transmission

    National Gas Transmission owns and operates the national high-pressure network connecting Gas Transporters (distribution networks), Shippers and connection customers. 

    Gas Transporters and IGTs 

    Distribution networks own and operate the local network of pipes that transport the gas from National Gas’ National Transmission System (NTS) to homes and businesses. Independent Gas Transporters (IGTs) build, own and operate local networks, connecting new business and consumer properties to the NTS via distribution networks. 


    Suppliers buy gas from Shippers and sell it to consumers. Consumers pay suppliers for the gas they use. 

    Other industry customers 

    Our customers within the energy industry also include Meter Asset Managers (MAMs), Meter Asset Providers (MAPs), industrial and commercial (major energy users), housing associations, meter reading agencies and automatic systems providers. 


    The gas network

    Find out how gas is delivered to homes and businesses via a nationwide network of high-pressure pipes.  


    Working with our customers and stakeholders

    Our customers and stakeholders include signatories to the Data Services Contract, organisations signed up to the Uniform Network Code and other industry bodies.


    Data Services Contract

    The Data Services Contract (DSC) is an agreement with Gas Transporters, Independent Gas Transporters (IGTs) and Shippers. It covers the services we provide as the Central Data Service Provider (CDSP). 

    They all share responsibility for decision-making on the funding and services provided under the DSC. 


    Signatories to the Uniform Network Code

    All Gas Transporters and Shippers sign up to the Uniform Network Code (UNC). 

    The UNC is the hub of the competitive gas industry. It’s a legal and contractual framework for gas supply and transportation. 

    Xoserve serves as the common service provider for Gas Transporters and Shippers. This is highlighted within the UNC and DSC, to which we are signatories. 

    You can read the Uniform Network Code on the Joint Office of Gas Transporters website. 


    Industry bodies

    We work closely with Ofgem and the Joint Office of Gas Transporters, who both make sure the gas industry remains fair and competitive for all customers. 


    Ofgem regulates Britain's gas and electricity industries. It protects and advances consumer interests, by promoting competition where possible, and through regulation only where necessary. 

    The Joint Office of Gas Transporters 

    The Joint Office of Gas Transporters was created as part of the distribution network sales process in May 2005. Its governance requirements are available in its Arrangements Agreement. 

    Its role is to efficiently govern the processes underpinning the commercial gas industry on behalf of Gas Transporters. 


    Our accreditations and memberships

    At Xoserve, we benchmark ourselves against the very best approaches to quality, management and our people. 

    We manage our information security in line with ISO 27001:2022 standards for the following: 

    • Providing information security for transportation transactions for all the major gas networks. This applies to operations, finance, human resources, business support and customers, as well as our legal and assurance activities. 
    • Protecting ourselves, our assets and shareholders, while confidently demonstrating that we keep our information secure. 
    • Fostering a culture of security and being consistent in our product and service delivery. This includes minimising our exposure to risks surrounding information security. 

    We’ve held ISO 9001 certification for quality management since 2005. We’re committed to meeting the certification’s requirements by maintaining a management system that meets our business, customer and regulatory requirements. 

    We aim to provide high quality services by continually improving levels of performance and customer satisfaction. We also seek to manage our processes effectively, listen to customer feedback and develop our peoples’ skills. 

    We’re a member of the Institute of Customer Service (ICS), an independent professional membership body that helps organisations improve their customers’ experiences.

    As a member, we have access to research and insights, as well as training, qualifications and accreditation programmes. At networking events we share best practice and learn how we can improve.

    Through our ICS membership, we also take part in the external business benchmarking survey and internal company-wide ServCheck surveys.

    We’ve received the credit management industry’s recognition for best practice from the Chartered Institute of Credit Management – an accreditation known as CICMQ.

    Through this accreditation, we’re able to further improve the skills, knowledge and expertise of our credit team. It also means we can maintain our profile and align our training programmes with those of the CICM and our stakeholders.

    We focus on strategy, performance objectives and future plans for the organisation, as well as how often we review our credit policy. We also look at how we handle our current controls, internal communications, query handling, training and customer engagement.

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    Gas consumer?

    We don’t provide services directly to consumers. You should contact your Supplier if you have a query about your gas supply.

    Find out more